“It’ll Be Okay…Mom”

This morning, I went into the bedroom to see Shell (seashell get it?) Ok, I am sleep deprived- at any rate, I went in to talk to her and ask her what she wanted to do about all this nonsense? As I was talking to her, her bony little body was leaping onto tables, chairs and then finally up to the pet stairs onto the bed. I noticed her thick drool is back- she had just had her vitamin mixture though and that could attribute to the re-occurance of her condition. That, plus the stress of going to the vet.

She came up to me and demanded to be petted. Her eyes were bright, and when I finally stopped petting her and let my hand drop to the side, she gently took my hand in her mouth lifted my hand up slightly and dropped it back down!

This cat is so surprising. She’s like a train wreck with an energizer bunny battery inside. She just keeps going and going. So I will continue to fight on by her side, until the day comes when she is tired of the battle, weary of the skirmishes and just wants to go home.

There will be an auction held for her on the 11th. So many wonderful people and cat industry folk have donated items to be auctioned off! Autographed cat books from some of the fine folks from The Cat Writers’ Association, cat furniture, cat treats, beds, jewelry, even an outdoor feral cat house!

Here is the link to the auction, the one running now is for Bugsy and Gracie, but at midnight on the 11th it will switch over the one for Shell-

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for following this courageous kitty on her journey. We aren’t done-not yet.

Shell’s Auction Link

4 thoughts on ““It’ll Be Okay…Mom”

  1. I don’t know how I found your blog but I’m glad I did. Shell definitely sounds like she wants to fight to live!!! Just take it one day at a time.

    One of the strays that I took in, in 2002, Sweet Pea, started bleeding from his mouth two years ago. I took him in numerous times. Vet could not find anything wrong with his mouth. We even sedated him so the vet could look down his throat and take xrays of his head. Nothing. It would go away then all of a sudden…drip, drip, drip…here comes the blood again. He started losing weight. My vet was not optimistic. Even suggested it was his time. I was determined to figure out what was wrong. After careful observation I noticed he would start bleeding a day or two after his licking and biting would start due to flea allergies. I suggested to my vet that he must have some sort of cyst in his throat that gets irritated from the constant motion of his tongue. My vet concurred and now Sweet Pea is back up to his hefty fighting weight and no more bleeding with the constant upkeep of applying monthly flea medication.

    All this just to say to keep hanging in there. Vets are often times surprised by the favorable outcomes. I do think they tend to not want to get their clients hopes up. If Shell was constantly lethargic and not wanting attention, showing no interest in anything, I would think differently, but she is clearly stating her case of “Don’t give up on me yet, mom!” Can’t wait for the auction!!

  2. we agree with Possumlady – Shell is a fighter and she’s just found love and doesn’t want to give it up yet. Shell’s story has brought many tears to our eyes – you both are so courageous to go through this journey together. hang in there – our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Sammy, Miles and Nicky Meezer and Billy SweetFeets

  3. She continues to remind me of Frankie so much. Just like Frankie, this girl is unfurling and revealing more and more of who she is to you. She knows she is now safe, and cared for. During the 2+ years we had Frankie, she continued to show new aspects of herself..I wish Shell more than 2 years, and know that whom ever she graces with her love, will have been given quite the gift indeed.

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