Shell’s First Bath

She was so dirty looking. When she eats,she gets food all over her. I went in with a little bit of cornstarch and sprinkled just a tiny bit on her body. Very carefully with a baby brush, I started brushing her fur not putting any pressure on her body at all. No wire brushes for this girl! She rolled over on her belly and just stretched her legs out- loving the attention. She looks better, she smells better and we had a grand time bonding~ I love this kitty.

11 thoughts on “Shell’s First Bath

  1. Awwwww How sweet! For a moment there I was scared… What? A bath? No! Then it was a lovely, soft purry baby brush bath! Purrrrr!
    Bet she really loved it!

  2. Oh Maryanne, She is telling you she wants to go on. It just makes me so happy to see her getting some life back into her.

    Give her a bunch of skritches for me and my group. You are a miracle worker!

    Shannon (farleyv)

  3. You have a heart of gold, and your kindness to Shell brings tears to Mom’s eyes.

  4. We have an admission to make. For ages and ages we were frightened to come over and read about Shell. We’d read snippets on the CB ~ and we were afraid it would upset us too much to read about suffering.

    Then finally, curiosity got the better of us, and we came over (although we still can’t read the tuff stuff about Shell’s early life) and we’re so glad we did. We can feel the love that Shell is receiving now ~ and it makes us so happy for her. Thank you for loving her so much.

  5. That is such a great way to give a little bath. It does sound like she is ready to keep on fighting. That is so exciting. I agree with Daisy, we love these little updates. Hope you are getting a little rest Mary Ann.

  6. how wonderful to read these little steps forward…a bath…oh I am on my way right now to bath my Miss Peach…in the tub with water. Shell and her are much alike in body style and size. Peach is a tiny devon rex of 4 pounds and eats very little and sleeps ALL the day away…I will have to wake her for the bath and she will scream in protest all the way to the tub :)) but then she will smell nice and her nails will be clipped…I know how Shell must feel after her ‘bath’…like a pampered queen. keep up the good work and many many good blessings to you and your husband from the cozy cottageXOXO

  7. Your love for this little girl is amazing. I can really feel it and it warms my heart!

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