Shell is at the vet’s for awhile

I had to leave Shell with my vet. They are going to swab her to check for the calicivirus and then he is going to talk to the Dallas Clinic and do whatever is necessary for Shell to get her poor mouth healing. Dr. Steve said he will probably lance the largest ulcer in her mouth if when he aspirates it, he gets the return of salivary juices.

Poor Shell, when I left her she was tense as a board and I gave her a gentle kiss and told her I would be back later.

I have to take Mike to the doctor today, the clinic is right down the street so I can check in with them then.

Please pray for Shell that the healing can finally begin today. She is so tired today- everything is overwhelming her.

7 thoughts on “Shell is at the vet’s for awhile

  1. Hello~~ I have been following precious Shell’s progress and just wanted to tell you that you and she are in my thoughts and prayers all the time! Hang in there baby girl! You can do this! And God bless you Shell’s mom for doing such an amazing job taking care of her! Take care.

  2. We’re praying REALLY hard for you sweet little Shell. Don’t give up the fight. THe world needs some happy news right now!

    Love, Petey, Jack, Spunky, Tabitha & Madison LaRue

    Pee Ess: Momma wondered if you are giving Shell any Lysine? She used the powder form of Viralysis on our food when we had some immune system flareups and it really helped. When humans get ulcers and canker sores in their mouth it helps them too!

  3. Praying real hard for the Shell girl. She is touching so many hearts. We love you Shell. I hope this gets things going and she gets better fast. Take it easy Maryanne, take this time to regroup. Prayers for your husband and you also. You are quality people.

  4. Oh Shell, we hope da vet can help yoo get yoor mouth healing. On a side note, mom gets plugs in her saliva glands and ends up wif what looks like a little toomer or a polyp in her mouf. She takes da Lysine stuff and it boosts her immune fight to clear it up. ‘Course, she also sucks on sour lemon candy to help push da plug out, we don’t recommend dat fur yoo 😉

  5. My prayers are for Shell’s continued fight for a life of love. Prayers especially for you to have the strength you need for her, your crew and for your Mike. I hope he is well. Thank you for taking the time to update us.

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