Moving onward slowly

Cyclone’s diarrhea is out of control so we advance to the second fecal test to see if it holds answers. He isn’t lethargic any more, jumps off the bed and comes to greet me when I go into the room but he is filling up the litter pan with his waste. I keep giving him fluids- I need to go buy another bag of lactose ringers and there still isn’t any noticeable swell when I give him the fluid. I am hoping this next test will give us some much-needed answers as to what might be going on with this handsome man.

7 thoughts on “Moving onward slowly

  1. Hope you able to find an answer soon. A friend of mine has a senior kitty with suspected IBS who had diarrhea for a very long time despite many different things that were tried. As a last attempt, she tried feeding this kitty plain raw chicken and in just a few days, everything cleared up. It was really a surprise. She kept going with the raw chicken and learned how to add the proper supplements to make a comoplete diet and this kitty is doing very well almost a year later. She looks years younger too. I also just found this article: Good luck and thanks for all you do!

  2. Good luck with Cyclone. It sounds like a mystery as to what is hurting him. It’s good that he found his way back to you. He knew where to go for help.

  3. All three of my indoor cats once had a terrible bout with loose watery stools. I had always split a jar of baby food for them as a treat every day. When my vet asked me about it, I told him they were currently loving the ham baby food. He said it could be too rich for them so I switched to turkey and they all firmed up! I’m sure Cyclone has more going on than that, but maybe the ham baby food is exacerbating it?

  4. What I’ve seen recommended for cats with either kind of bowel problem is canned pumpkin mixed with the food. There is squash baby food available, and the good brands are limited-ingredient: squash and water only. Botanically, what is called a squash or a pumpkin is from one of about three domesticated species, so I add squash baby food to my cat’s food. The jars are tiny, so it can be used up soon enough.

  5. This is what I have tried

    I withdrew the dry food to see if it made a difference (it didn’t).

    I fed him cooked hamburger and rice to see if that would bind him up

    I added canned pumpkin to his food

    I put him on Forte Flora

    I thought maybe I was over-feeding him which was causing the diarrhea, but although I am feeding him five times a day, he only gets about a tablespoon of food at a time.

    Right now the only thing he is eating is beef baby food and the vitamin supplements but he is filling up his litter pans quickly with his diarrhea and pee

    I am still giving him fluids daily

    He is on metronidozole but it isn’t helping

    He isn’t as lethargic as he was originally and he is gaining weight. But I know this diarrhea is taxing to him and I would really like it to stop-

  6. I don’t mean this to sound facetious, but have you tried Pepto-Bismol, or something else that works against diarrhea in humans? The rescue group I volunteer with has, on rare occasions, resorted to it. I don’t imagine there should be a large dose, but I don’t think it can do a cat harm. I suggest this only because everything else seems to have been tried. There may, of course, be a danger to it but I some research may clear that up.

  7. Pepto bismol is a no-no for cats it is quite toxic as it contains salicylate. The same can be said for the Kaoepectate- early on in rescue, this was the first over the counter medicine we reached for and it worked so well. But seven years ago, they changed the formula making it extremely toxic to cats and taking it out of the equation. I would have to look up my facts here, but I believe one tablespoon of pepto to a cat is the same as giving him one 5 grain aspirin.

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