Fog again-

Last night he slept better, but he has developed a bit of a fever 103. He is picking at his food and has retreated into one of the carriers in the bedroom. He cries softly when I enter the room and doesn’t seem to want to come out today to see me. I just scratched him under the chin and promised him tomorrow we will hopefully have answers as to what is going on. I’ve read everything I can get my hands on regarding FIP and since he isn’t taking any medication, I don’t know if he is in a remission or what is going on? I just will have to wait until Steve sees him and gives me his assessment.

Sometime in the night, Sullivan ripped out a claw on his front paw! So looks like I will be taking two cats to the vet tomorrow instead of one. He won’t let me see the injury- tries to bite me when I go to look. I wrapped it up and put him in a trimline collar, but he is just a young kitty and he has already gotten out of the collar twice and pulled the bandage off- never a dull moment-

My plan tomorrow is to ask my vet to do an aspiration of Fog’s belly and see what he pulls out of it. After discussing with him all the ramifciations surrounding this cat, we will proceed with the next step. I am just not sure what that next step is going to be- x-rays- blood work? ultra sound? Whatever my vet recommends I will follow. I will fill everyone in as soon as the appointment is over. I just ask for your prayers that he doesn’t have FIP and he can be saved-for he is very much worth saving-

8 thoughts on “Fog again-

  1. Given that Fog has a fever, you can tell the woman that he may indeed have FIP. Remind him of her vets diagnosis and Fog only having three weeks left.

    Maybe that will keep her from wanting Fog back.

  2. We say tell the woman where she and her animal abusing kid can go if she continues to ask for the cat back .. no pont being nice to them they were not nice to the kitty .. .

  3. I just read your last few articles and will send what I can when I get back home. I’m at work now. I hope Fog makes a full recovery but first things first. let us know how Monday’s doctor’s visit goes.

  4. Oh, one more thing. If the woman with the freak son calls and wants Fog back, tell her that if she tries to get him, you’ll call the SPCA and the police, and that she better get some help for the psycho child she’s given birth to or the next creature he hurts may be a human. Then tell her if she wants to see her offspring’s future to look up ‘Jeffrey Dahmer’. And mention something about the lack of parenting skills that allow an eight year old to watch YouTube unsupervised.

    I’m sorry, but cruelty and stupidity together rarely bring out the forgiveness element of my character.

  5. What happened to Fog is breaking my heart. I know you would NEVER subject him to that household again – all I can do is echo what was written above. It is true that abusive people do start on innocent animals and “move up” to people. I’ve sent a tiny donation, really wish it could be more. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Fog.

  6. I’ve also donated what I could to help poor Fog. One thing I would suggest is that you get the word out about this family to other fosters and adoption organizations so they know not to adopt out to them. With cats it’s hard since so many people are willing to just give them to anyone, but at least get those bases covered with reputable adopters.

  7. That base was covered yesterday. I did put the word on knowing they want a kitten next time, not an older cat.

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