“It’s Okay Mom…”

They placed him on the table and Dr. Steve carefully withdrew fluid from his abdomen. The fluid was indeed yellow in color, there was no blood showing so trauma was ruled out. They spun the fluid on a refractor and came up with a 8 protein count. It was indeed effusive FIP.

We discussed options but in the end, decided based on the overall condition of his body, his inability now to eat, the fever and the constant crying he did all night that the kindest thing to do was let him go. At 2:46 (I had gotten an earlier appointment based on his temp flaring up) sweet Fog’s spirit went soaring into the clouds heaven bound.

I couldn’t stay. I generally do stay for the final goodbye, but this one was special and I just couldn’t see staying. I knew they would take him immediately from the room and he would go into a tech’s arms where he would be loved on while his leg was shaved for the final solution.

I bent down to kiss him goodbye and his brilliant blue eyes looked up at me. I sense that God communicates to me through my animals and I felt the words in my heart. Fog was saying it was okay that I left. He knows he is going to a better place where he will meet my son and other glorious people and he will never hurt again.

I felt like a coward leaving and now I feel like all I want to do is throw up. I will miss him so much and I am grateful that he blessed my life even if it was only for such a short time.

When I got home, Mike told me at the time that Fog was being let go, Brandy just exploded into a barrage of barking and running around the house. In just a few minutes, she settled at Mike’s feet and was quiet. Mike believes Fog passed by to say “It’s really okay Mom, I know you did your best.”

The Power of Love
The Fog Fund raised $632.23

THANK YOU to all of you who sent in your dollars

16 thoughts on ““It’s Okay Mom…”

  1. You have a special gift. May lives are stronger and better in this world due to your love, help and compassion.

  2. MA, when I first read the news about Fog, it just about broke my heart.
    I kept sneaking on here today at work hoping for a good update. Sorry to find the news was not good.I am sure Fog is at the bridge telling all the sweet kitties how amazing you are. Stay strong.

  3. I thought about Fog all day, MA, hoping for a miracle. I’m so very sorry to hear that Fog has gone to the bridge – I know your heart is breaking. Perhaps the miracle here is that somehow he found his way back to you, so you could care for him and comfort him as his journey came to an end. You and Fog are in my prayers…

  4. I was hoping very much for a happy ending. But Fog spent his last few days with someone who loved him and he knew it. The way he reacted when he saw you come into the house where he was abused shows that he realised everything would be all right from then on, even if he would have to go away.

    I was able to send you something in the way of a donation. Please use it as you see fit. I know it will be for a good cause.

  5. You did the right thing – letting Fog sour out of the physical pain into the beautiful spirit world. I’m sorry you had to make the decision.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss of Fog! He sounds like he was a wonderful boy who benefited greatly from your love. It is just tragic, but we are all so grateful for all you do for so many — especially since the so many are those who need it most! Once again, thank you so much. He will be there at the Bridge to meet you with a massive kitty smile, one that only he can deliver!

  7. Was any time of work done that would determine the extent of Fog’s possible injuries due to the 8 year old? This info might aid in preventing the family from adopting another kitty.

  8. Just catching up on all of this and my heart is broken for you. But it seems he was meant to come back to you where he knew love and compassion. It hurts for you, but I would rather he were with you for his final days than to be where he was. Hugs to you.

  9. I am so very sorry this has happened to Fog. At least he was loved and with you in the end. Please report the child who did this to Fog to the authorities – he will do it again and needs counseling to say the least. I would worry about any animal in his care.

  10. I just saw the news about Fog on Cat Blogosphere. I had to say something because Fog looks just like my late Sir Thomas of Snuggle aka Tom of the Many Colored Coat (he’d change from blue tabby to lilac tabby with an occasional red tabby thrown in for the fun of it). May the memories of love always outweigh the grief of loss.

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