Finding Center Again

No matter the heartache, the disappointment the anger or any other emotion, life continues on.

God is in the details and last night, I met up with a lady who just wanted to talk to me about cats. Seems her uncle was passionate about feral cats would trap and neuter them and release them on his substantial ranch up in the hills. He has passed away and she has been left with all his homemade traps he used to capture the cats others dumped on him. Well, guess who has those traps now? And they work!

To say they are primitive would be putting it mildly, but I can see where they were put together with great love and care. They are essentially a three-sided wooden box of various shapes with a sliding trap door. The trigger is attached by a simple cable, he has drilled a hole in the framework of the opening, you thread the cable through the hole, this props open the door until a creature steps on the trigger, then the trigger flattens and door closes. he has put several plastic faceplates in the boxes on the top (for your viewing pleasure) and holes in the sides big enough to pass air through.

I was dubious, but I set out one trap last night and in the matter of 20 minutes I captured Chappy! He had escaped when we had that freak windstorm that blew open the door. I had been so worried about him as we are having some really nasty storms right now and he isn’t an outside kitty.

Last night, after his capture, he kept me awake all night! he would stand on his hind legs and reach for my chest, when I would go to pick him up- he would back down. Up down, up down we played the game all night. It was like he was saying- “I am home Mom and thank you but you still can’t touch me yet!”

So everyone is accounted for now and the storm rages on. Right now the sky above our home is so black it could be the middle of the night.

Kira has found a home, my vet will spay this sweet kitten next week and she will go to be with Julia and her family on Thursday a week after the holidays. We love this kitty with all our heart and I am so glad I was able to find her a forever home. She deserves it! I have started asking potential adopters if they have a facebook page. If they share their page, I check it out to see what type of person they really are to take ownership of such a precious creature as a cat. Julia’s pages were full of photos of her last cat (15 year old mackeral tabby) she recently lost her to cancer.

I am also working on a deal with a local shopkeeper to keep one cat in his shop as a potential candidate for adoption. The deal is that I will make up a sign with a photo of the kitty and then talk about all the characteristics this cat or kitten has. The cat will be free-roaming the shop (and it is a busy one) if someone is interested in adopting, I will be called and go over and interview the potential adopter. Then a home visit and if successful, kitty will have a new home and another cat will go into the shop.

I will have to be there twice a day to feed and care for the litter pans but that is fine with me. There are no other cats there, and the man just loves cats and wants to help out. He has to clear it with his wife first so here is hoping. He is waiting until after the holidays to talk to her about it. Fingers crossed and prayers flying that this will work-

3 thoughts on “Finding Center Again

  1. The traps were practically the gift of Chappy coming back to you. It could have been any cat, feral or lost, who was trapped, but it was your last missing cat. Very nice.

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