
She comes to the feeders every morning and sits on the sidelines,softly crying. When I look at her and hear her cries my heart breaks and I wonder what horrors she witnessed when she lived with that hoarder. Her brother Stalker is now bolder. He comes out to the yard when I turn the yard lights on and tries to get me to follow him to their feeder first. No longer ducking away from me- he won’t allow me to touch him, but he no longer hides.

Patience, under other circumstances would be a beautiful cat. Like her brother, she is gray and white, but unlike him, she has long-hair that quickly catches brambles and blackberry thickets. This morning as I scooped out the food, she plopped over the fence and came right to me! I smiled, but didn’t stop my feeding and ignored her and then sat back and waited with my head low. I heard her crunching the kibble and reached out making first contact! I almost cried as I was petting her, she is pencil thin under that long hair. I know she is full of parasites and my hope is she will allow contact long enough for me to get some profender on her. It hasn’t happened yet, but it is oh so close.

I am amazed at how quickly the wet food I got at such a bargain is vanishing. But when you have the amount of cats that I do, and the weather has been so brutally cold rationing it out would be ridiculous. The outside kitties get canned food morning, noon and night, the cat enclosure kitties get it morning and night and the inside kitties get it late at night.

Agatha, the calico in the bedroom is doing well. She doesn’t hide under the bed any longer but she doesn’t want anything to do with other cats (or kittens) She seems to be afraid of them- not aggressive. We have a routine now, when I go to bed. After I turn off the light, I whisper into the darkness several times her name. She hops on the bed, and squeaks her meow to me then settles for the night. She is a funny cat and perhaps when she talks to others of her kind, they attack her thinking she is a mouse. Her meow is quite strikingly like that of a squeak of a frightened mouse. I need to put her on you tube! LOL

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