Minor achievment

Today- Moe (the new arrival) relaxed enough to allow me to touch him. He is still hiding under the futon upstairs, but he stopped growling and hissing at me. I took a chance and laid down on the floor, shut my eyes, talked softly to him and reached in to pet him. I connected with his face and started scratching his ears. He loved it and rolled over on his belly and begged for more. We had about a ten minute pet-fest and then I backed off. If he is pet aggressive, I really don’t want to get nailed by him. My hope is to open his door soon and let him find the others. I think once he has the benefit of moving freely in the house he might relax a bit more.

I wake up daily now with slamming headaches. I know it is a combination of the stress and the non-working heater. The house is so cold and we are waiting on the company who is looking for a heater for us. I can’t wait too long though. Mike’s temperature still remains sub-normal (no one can tell us why) and I need to find heat soon. He sleeps so much now- most of the day and the better part of the night. He is having horrible nightmares still and he just looks bad. I am worried about him, but he has good doctors and my hope is once he gets off all this medication he is on, he will be back to his old self soon.

I don’t work today, but there is plenty to do around here. I just want to sleep but that is a luxury I can ill-afford. So I gently shake off all the cats in the morning and get up to meet the day and the challenges that lie ahead.

My parents will celebrate their 68th wedding anniversary this month. I won’t be able to go and see them because I can’t leave Mike and he can’t travel that far right now. They are 12 hours from us. My mom just went through a heart catherization but the doctors found nothing to explain her sudden fainting spells. Growing old, it’s NOT for sissys!

Nancy is staying with them for a week while Mother recuperates. I really want to see my parents this year, but I don’t think under the circumstances I will be able to. Even though my dad’s health is declining and I have a feeling that this will be the last Christmas he will have, I still can’t leave to visit. We stay in touch via email and phone.

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