One-Eye had a bad morning

I had to take One-Eyed in to get his stitches out. It was on my way to picking up the weekly donated food and I wanted the vet to hold One-Eyed until I got back, but it didn’t work out that way. One-Eye does not being in cages, carriers, vehicles- nothing. So he ended up going with me to get the food about a 45 minute drive.

He got himself so worked up- he was open-mouth panting and his ears and body were on fire. I knew we were in trouble, so I opened up the carrier and just let him roam inside the truck. He “repaid” me by going to the back and leaving me a steaming, smelly mess of poo! I couldn’t open the windows without putting him back in the carrier, so I chose instead to just turn on the air conditioner and gasp for air through a very small cracked window. PHEW!  I was never so glad to get home silly boy!

You know for a just neutered boy, he is sure a big baby and he cries most of the time. I bought a calming pheromone collar to help him out in the coming days. I need to put him with the rest of the crew in the one enclosure and I don’t want problems.

He is fine now, he just ate and drank and is back in his own enclosure. I will let him out tomorrow and see how he does and go from there.

2 thoughts on “One-Eye had a bad morning

  1. The poor fellow. He has a little ways to go before he is adjusted to life as a pet-cat. Has there been word from that couple who were interested in him?

  2. In talking with them further, they want him to be an outside cat. They will bring him indoors only at night. Not ideal for him, besides missing an eye, he has 4 claws missing and the vet said they were torn out in the style of not to grow back. His only defense outside would be to bite.

    I put a calming collar on him and put him in with about 6 other cats- epic fail. He wanted to fight with every one of them and they are all older mellow guys. He’s back in his own enclosure until I can find him that forever home.

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