
I just got the best and coolest phone call ever! Most of you remember that I accidentally left the cat enclosure door open back in late August. What I didn’t tell you is that the very next day, I discovered that Hamilton wasn’t inside his enclosure and I had found where he had tunneled out under the gravel and straw. Most of the time when a cat escapes, the cat hangs around here and either ducks under the buildings or the decks or what have you- but Hamilton was no where to be found. I was really worried about him, getting up at all the hours of the night to see if he was at any of the feeders- nope- no sign.

Tonight, the lady who had been feeding Hamilton for two years until he got injured and she turned him over to us called me. When she said who she was, I was thinking “uh oh, how can I tell her that I lost him?” One of her last requests before I drove off with  him was that she wanted to see him before he was adopted!

She said “Mary Anne do you remember me? You picked up Persnickity Kitty from me.” That was her name for him.

I said- “Yes, I remember you.” Then I waited for the next question which surprised me:

“Do you still have him?”

I told her I was sorry but  no that he had escaped. Then she said “He’s here! He arrived this morning and I thought I was seeing things but it’s him!”

This lady lives 10 miles from us! This kitty really traveled to get back to where he had to go. Apparently, he doesn’t want to be adopted into another home- he wants to stay where he is comfortable. I am so relieved and amazed because this kitty had to go through the narrows (a series of hills that flank the town) he had to cross the highway several times, travel over railroad tracks and then through the town itself. I was trying to see if someone had found him on lost pets of Sweet Home but he never showed up and now he is with Kim. I told her to give him a big steak dinner and  a bigger hug! I am so glad he is safe and I know she loves him. Now that he is healthy- I am hoping he has  good long life in front of him. Praise God!



5 thoughts on “Hamilton

  1. WOW he must have loved her very much to go that distance to make it home to her, what a surprising and very happy story. WTG Hamilton you wondering little man. Have a great life Persnickity Hamilton kitty.

  2. I’ve heard of cats doing that sort of travelling – I’ve heard of dogs doing it more often – but this is the first time I’ve known someone whose cat did it. Is he staying permanently with the lady?

  3. Yes, she is keeping him and I drove out there tonight to be sure it was him and it is- he is alive and well and purring on her front porch. I saw the battle scars from the staph infection still on his tail head and he came up and bumped my hand as if to say “Sorry Charlie, but I want to stay here!” Then he ran over to the ditch near her home and laid down and gave himself a sand bath. It’s him and I am so relieved. He actually traveled 8 miles (I clocked it while driving) to get to her and I am still so stunned that he made it without incident.

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