Hope is fading

She is not eating. I can’t get her to take anything. Not human food, not raw food, nothing. Dry has been tried, all the canned food I can get that is available and still she isn’t eating a thing.

I watch her in the room and she walks funny. I suspect, she is injured in her back legs. Because as she walks, she periodically stretches her back legs together to often to not indicate a problem. I couldn’t take her in today because I had to work. I will call on Monday and see if the vet will recheck her. I think I will ask for films of her back and her legs to see if this is why she isn’t eating and why she is so grumpy.

She climbed on my lap earlier today and I was using MaryJean Ballner’s massage tips on her, but when I got to her rear legs, she became quite agitated and growly. Even using the lightest touch of the palm of my hand, she turned around and swatted me good with her claws extended and her ears flat. So I think I am on the money that she has either been kicked, hit, or she has fallen from a great height and is in pain.

Guess I will know on Monday.

Work was difficult tonight. I had one of those nights when everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. I am opeing tomorrow so I will be in extra early to do the books and try to figure out the errors. the new girl was short by quite a bit so we need to figure out what happened and fix it before Monday.

Maybe on Monday, everything will be fixed- including Hope’s hunger strike. I am force-feeding her and she hates it with a passion. 🙁

2 thoughts on “Hope is fading

  1. Have you tried baby food meat? You probably have, I can’t think of anything you haven’t tried… Please hang in there.

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