Catching My Breath

I am sitting here at the computer waiting for my old vet’s office to open so I can take Purrcy in to be seen. I stopped using this vet, although he is wonderful- he literally is better than Dr. Pohl because his accountant and I were clashing. Unlike my new vet who takes payments of any sorts, this one wants the money up front. I have 30 days to cover the payment or else. But I am taking him in anyway even though there is only $30.00 currently in the kitty.

Purrcy is not pooping with any authority. I have done all the tricks in the trade to help him: canned pumpkin, pureed cooked string beans, more water in the formula, aggressive stimulation, mineral oil, kitty enema- you name it, I have tried it. My vet just keeps telling me it is probably round worms and until he is old enough to de-worm there is nothing we can do. I am not accepting this. I can’t explain it, but it doesn’t feel right. This kitty is so full of food, he should be pooping from one end of the box to the next- because that is what kittens do. The Queen would come along behind her litter and eat the waste to keep the nest clean and free of predators. This little boy is incapable of pooping more than what I could put on the head of a straight pin! It’s crazy, tiny droplets of poop- that’s it and that’s not how this works.

So in 20 minutes, we will head out and I hope that someone reading this might send in a few dollars (again) to help with this new vet debt.

Also, Mike two days ago underwent a surgical procedure called an ablation. He is now in the hospital with a massive leg infection!  I had to rush him there early in the morning when everything here for him, went totally wrong. He spiked a 103.2 fever- his leg was so swollen it looked like it was going to pop. I unwrapped the outer lace bandage and he screamed bloody murder and told me some unpleasant things about myself (which is totally not him). I couldn’t even lower his sweat pant back down over his leg, that’s how painful his leg was for him. He doesn’t feel pain in his leg, ladies and gentlemen. I watched him years ago screw a lag bolt into his leg without feeling it! Don’t ask, that was a bad day as well. He thought the board was there (it wasn’t)

He wouldn’t go to the hospital but as luck would have it, one of his favorite home health nurse called. Whitney is an RN. I told Whit what was happening and off he went to the hospital on her say so! He was going septic.

So my two favorite boys in my life that I value highly are both fighting different health issues. One is totally dependent on me making all the right choices, while the other is under excellent care. One is covered by insurance, and one is not. And on that note, I need to go, the vet will see me at 9:00 this morning and take a look at Purrcy and we will go from there.

Thanks for popping in for the latest Poop- let’s hope both of these boys come out okay in the end.


2 thoughts on “Catching My Breath

  1. It sounds to this layman like the ablation for Mike’s leg was put in wrong or unsterilised. The doctors didn’t do their job properly. I am glad he is in the hospital now. I hope you don’t take it too badly that Mike went when the nurse told him and not for you. Sometimes someone is too familiar to take orders from. The important thing is that he is directly under medical care.

    As for Purrcy, could it be something physically wrong with his intestines? I know that would probably be fatal but it sounds like there is a big blockage somewhere.

    The best of luck to everyone there. You need more than a moment like this to catch your breath!

  2. So sorry to hear about Mike, very grateful for you that he had not yet gone into sepsis. Wishing him a full recovery.

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