The End Of Purrcy

My old vet agreed with me that something was drastically wrong with Percy when he inserted a moist q-tip into the rectum and gave it a few turns. He looked at me and said :”Mary Anne, this does not feel right!” I agree. I told him that for me, it seemed like his rectum wasn’t in the right place if that makes sense, so he gave Purrcy some barium both orally and rectally and then after a brief wait, he did films.

On the x-rays you could see that Purrcy’s colon did not completely connect to hisĀ  rectum. There was just a narrow opening. Chances are, Purrcy was genetically inbred with no chance to survive and live a normal life. So he was euthanized.

I just laid him to rest in our field and thanked God that my old vet had enough faith in me to chase and test for answers, instead of just falling back on the excuse of parasites.

It just felt wrong for me from day three. He should have been pooping from one end to the next with the amount of food he was eating and that just wasn’t happening. No, I am not a vet, never have even played one on the Internet, but I know when something isn’t right with a cat or kitten. And something was definitely NOT right for this curly-haired fighter. He fought valiantly to the end and we are blessed that he entered our lives however brief that visit turned out to be.

Speaking of visit, today’s visit turned out to be $229.48 if anyone can help us to cover this cost- you would have my undying gratitude.

5 thoughts on “The End Of Purrcy

  1. It may be too soon after Purrcy’s passing to think about these things, but:
    Is it possible that Purrcy’s mother somehow knew that Purrcy “wasn’t right” at birth and removed him (umbilical cord and all) from the litter, away from the other kittens. And could that be the reason he was found all alone in the middle of a strange yard?

  2. Yes that was my thought after I left the vet this morning. The Queens know when the kitten is not right because they smell funny. In order to protect her nest, the queen will take the kitten and put it somewhere that hopefully delivers a quick death- in a field, on top of a barn roof places like that.

  3. Sometimes we can make things better, and sometimes God has already decided otherwise. We can’t know until we try, and you tried, mary Anne. Well done, as always.

  4. Poor,sweet Percy! You helped him so much even though it was not the outcome that we had hoped for. At least he knew comfort when you heated him up & when you used the Desitin ointment. I was thrilled when he purred.
    I hope that your husband is doing better. You are really juggling the duties! I pray that you stay healthy, that Mike recovers quickly and that you get donations to cover costs for Percy – he was spared a lingering, horrible end & sometimes that is the best gift of all.

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