Shya’s Return

Yesterday, I received an email from the recent adopter of the kittens that Shya was peeing all over her bed and pillows. Shya was using the litterpans here, we weren’t having any accidents, but I know how frustrating it can get when you have a cat or kitten that is peeing on soft things. It is generally, stress related. If Shya was peeing in a sink, bathtub or just on a hard floor, it would be health-related. But she is way too young for a UTI.

I told Robin I would come and get Shya and bring her back here. But instead, this nice lady is bringing her back to me! She did say, if I can figure this out and fix the problem, she would take Shya back.

My thoughts are that Shya is just half-baked. She wasn’t ready to be born but in the stray cat world, a queen can be taken by up to 5 different Toms during one heat cycle which if they go unmated, can go on for weeks. Once the first mating is done, the queen can still smell ripe for toms thus cats with large litters of kittens come into play. Once the first litter is ready, all of them come out whether or not they are ready for the world. Shya is one of these babies. It’s also why I don’t usually adopt out a kitten until it is older (and spayed/neutered). But I understand some owners need “tiny time” with their new housemates. This is really the time period that I most enjoy kittens- once they are off the bottle and discovering the world on their terms.

She will go in the bedroom, and I wrapped the bed up in a tarp yesterday, and covered it with soft bedding. This way, when she pees on the bed, it won’t go through to the other blankets and the mattress and I will be able to see it easier. I am thinking Shya may be the kind of kitten that just wants to be an “only” and here, she will be as long as she doesn’t try to escape from the bedroom.

As far as the chaos coming, I will just have to figure out where to put her. I might have to just put her in the deck enclosure during the construction times. That cat enclosure is set up specifically for problem sprayers and pee issues. But it is outside, and I would rather have her closer to me than that.

1 thought on “Shya’s Return

  1. That’s disappointing. It’s too bad Shya couldn’t have stayed in her new home to have this figured out. Is there a volunteer you could place her with until the construction is done?

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