The Best Laid Plans…

Today, Mattie was supposed to be dropped off at the vet where they would run a second set of bloodwork and depending on the results, they would either go ahead with the spay, or contact me about what to do about the bloodwork.

Mattie says to herself- “Phooey on this! I’ll show everybody!” And Saturday, she entered estrus. Depending on the cat, the heat cycle can last up to week or a bit longer- so we bumped her back to July 2 for this procedure. I thought she was talkative before- brother can she howl! LOL  She is looking and calling for a mate. Thankfully, there are none around here that aren’t neutered. The big tom that I was trying to trap, the one who attacked three of our cats, I pulled him off the road two days ago. Had he been able to be trapped and neutered, he would still be alive.

So far, there have been no takers to Mattie’s loud invitations to dance with her. But if one shows up, the traps come out and his dance will be interrupted. There’s a new kitty in town, this is a female in bad shape. She is a dilute tortie and she just looks hammered. The minute she sees me- she flees into the pucker brush and only returns after I leave. At least now she is getting some food, because she is bone skinny. I wish someone would invent a safe feed-through parasite killer for the stray cats- so far that hasn’t happened. We use diacotumus earth crystals, but it doesn’t kill all the eggs- just the adult fleas.

I have to take Solo in to the vet later today. Over the past week, he has become listless. He’s not eating well, keeps pawing at his ear and his mouth and I can’t hang on to him without someone helping to check it out. He’s not lethargic- he just is acting really off. I don’t want to have been so wrapped up in Mattie’s issues that we neglect what might be wrong with him as well.

By the Grace of God~

Alexandra is alive this morning, but barely. Eight o’clock cannot come fast enough for us. When I went in at 4:00 a.m. to check on her and give her fluids and try to get her to eat, I found her sitting (propped up) near the litterpans. She had pooped but it did not look normal. It had a lot of grey mucous in it. I gave her fluids, she tried to swallow some food for me and I wrapped her in a blanket and put her back on the pet heating pad. I gave her a pain shot as well- her rear legs sort of swing back and forth and her belly is bloated and soft. In other words, she is a real mess. Her eyes are completely blown out- so among all of her issues she is also blind. She is just bone- no reserve fat, muscle, tissue anywhere. Total fluids given since arriving 600 ml. This just makes me so angry- I push the anger aside because it serves no good purpose. I will be at my vet’s door right at 8:00 Please send prayers-

She was euthanized shortly after arriving to the vet. Kitty was ancient, she was full of fluid in her chest and abdomen. They believe she either suffered a massive heart attack or had FIP. At least, she did not die, alone and in a culvert! Despite putting her the warming cage and giving her warming fluids, wW could never get her temp over 92 degrees. It was 84 degrees when she first arrived. Someone dumped her to die. 🙁

Thursday Distress Call

On my way back from town, I found a kitty lying in the ditch in the narrows. We can only do so much for her (I believe she is dying) We need $300.00 at least to get her into the door to an emergency vet. She is a Russian Blue and she looks like she has had no groceries in months. She can’t walk on her rear legs and we are giving her fluids slowly as she is extremely dehydrated.

No microchip and I am calling her Alexandra. That’s a strong name for this debilitated kitty-

Sometimes, I just flat hate some people.

Please say a prayer for her. She’s been given fluids and some A/D she wants to eat and she tries, but she is just too exhausted and out of gas. I just tucked her in for the night- will get up in three hours and give her more fluids. She is so skinny- I just want to cry at the neglect and lack of care she shows.

Another Mattie Update

Her bloodwork was alarming. Her WBC is off the charts. It should be between 3.5-19.5 and it is 54! This indicates a massive infection or it can also indicate cancer. If the fever and dehydration and lack of appetite re-occurs they will know it is cancer because she has anti-inflammatory meds on board as well as injectable antibiotics and pain meds. I am to continue with the warm cloths soaks on her belly and give her pain meds every other day. They did not feel a mass or see anything on x-ray that made them take notice. It could also be that the object stuck in her esophagus all that time could have been poisoned or toxic or she got into other garbage that made her this ill. Praying her fever stays away- she is home now.

Mattie again

Had to rush her back to the vet. She spiked a 103.4 fever along with some nasty, vile diarrhea. They gave her an antibiotic shot, and did in-house blood work to see what they might have missed. Her crying constantly isn’t mourning the separation of her from the kittens, they believe she is pain and so they gave her a pain pill as well. I am waiting for them to call me on the results of the bloodwork. Although her nipples aren’t the right color and her milk is clumpy, they have so far ruled out mastitis. Something is up with this girl and I’ve missed something vital. Hoping the bloodwork delivers some answers.

Ms. Mattie

Ms. Mattie has been moved from the deck enclosure to the main introduction cage in the big enclosure. She was going nuts inside the other enclosure, meowing almost non-stop both day and night. I’m sure my one neighbor was not enjoying this noise as the enclosure is close to his bedroom window and she has a very loud meow.

So now, she is sharing her world with the two male cats out of the same car where I found her kittens. She is less vocal unless it is close to feeding time. When the kittens were taken from her she was upset enough at the loss to stop eating. Rather than resort to force feeding her, I opted instead to ask for a few appetite stimulant pills and received four days worth. She is eating now and I just weighed her- she is 8 pounds 10 ounces!

We are also having to soak her belly in warm compresses five times a day and she is on an antibiotic to stave off mastitis. Two of her nipples are looking quite painful and swollen. She leans into the warmth of the cloths pressed against her. We do it while she is eating so it will serve as a distraction against something wet on her belly.

I wish I could take her in to get her spayed, but she is now heavy with milk. Ironic, because when she first arrived here, she only  had on viable nipple the rest of the milk bar had been shut down. We really are on guard against mastitis, the poor girl has been through enough already.

Her babies are growing like weeds. Linda, the kitten food arrived a few days ago. Thank you for sending more MaxKitten our way. Totally appreciate the help.

The personalities are starting to show now on the kittens.

Smokey Joe is the feistiest of the group. He is always wanting to be held and petted. He loves to ride on my shoulders when I am in there doing my chores. He also chews on my ear lobes. Thank God I don’t wear pierced earrings!

Mack Dabby is the largest. He just reached the 2 pound mark and his paws are gigantic. There is Maine Coon lurking inside that boy. He loves the pet fountain and plays in the water most of the time. He has splashed his sister Flash a few times when she gets to close trying to figure out what he is doing.

Flash is quite sweet. She is a lap sitter and likes to be cradled in our arms. Unlike her sister, she is not very vocal. Her sister Foggy likes to play hide-n-seek in the room. One morning, I was panicked because I thought I looked everywhere for her and she was gone. Then I picked up the pillows off the bed and there she was underneath, fast asleep!  They are all now approaching the 2 pound mark- they have fat little bellies and love to have their bellies rubbed.

NAO has taken over the house. It was a gradual take-over. First on his list was to conquer Pop’s lap. He was seeking mine out until he figured out my lap doesn’t have the luxury of sitting for long periods of time. Pop doesn’t go anywhere for long stretches of time, so there you go- he is now Pop’s kitty of which I am glad, for Taylor has been missed by Mike since she had to be put to sleep.

Speaking of putting to sleep- Cooper is gone now. I did not have an opportunity to say goodbye to him- after his last vet visit, he slid downhill quite quickly and she was kind enough to end it for him instead of letting him suffer for another 30 some days. He died at home, I am sure in her arms if not Jim’s. Vets do make house calls out here thankfully.

Last but not least there is Solo. He’s the funniest boy. When I am petting him and I stop, he will sit up on his haunches and wave his paws in the air until he catches my hand. Then he will move my hand back to his chest so I can continue to pet him. LOL  It’s the cutest YOUTUBE moment ever- if I could ever catch it on video. I bring out the camera and he loses interest and lays back down.

Also can’t forget Pigeon and Pita and a group shot of all the kittens but except Foggie who was busy at the time.

Mattie is Not A Happy Camper

Even though it is a bit early I have pulled the kittens off of Mattie so she can just relax and not have them further depleting her resources. She’s not relaxed. She wants back with them and has no intention of listening to doctor’s orders. I finally had to just put her into the deck enclosure (after scrubbing it upside down and sideways. If she could even hear her kittens crying, she went into automatic attack mode.

She has everything she needs out there (except her babies). She has not thrown up since coming back home, but she still has watery stool.As soon as her milk dries up, I will take her in and get her spayed and into a loving home.


Yesterday, I learned that Cooper (the dog I rescued over 2 years ago) has been diagnosed with cancer. We had to rehome this beautiful three- legged dog after he unexpectedly attacked the plumber a little over a year ago. The plumber had to jump into the well house to avoid being bitten! To this day, I do not know what provoked the attack but we were given two options at the time: either put the dog down or rehome him. My pet sitter ended up taking him in to her home. I missed him so much,  My friend and her husband has had Cooper for over a year.

I knew he wasn’t feeling good as we have kept in touch with each other. But I was not prepared for the vet to find a massive growth in his liver and multiple growths throughout his body. He has been given less than  one to two months to live. 🙁  I did ask that I be allowed to stop by before the end so I could say goodbye to this brave dog.) I hope they grant my request, but they are both so devastated at this news, they may not remember that I asked. Right now, she just doesn’t want to talk about it. I can understand that well.

Here is a picture of Coop the dog that has been through so much in his life- more than most really should have to endure. He was with me when my Dad died and also went back to California for my last visit with my mother before she also passed. He has always loved me and I never stopped loving him. He and Kota used to get together for some rambunctious playdates. I’m so sad for his new challenge before him and sad for Deanna and Jim who have loved him from the beginning. I used to laugh, when I was over there and we were going places. Dee would put her socks on and Cooper would very gently pull them off before she could get her shoes on. LOL

Aww Cooper, I am so sorry. You don’t deserve this. You really don’t

Mattie Comes Home Today!

I will pick her up late afternoon (Pita has to get his drains out at 3:00) so I will be bringing everyone home tonight. The babies are now completely on canned kitten food- which is relief for Mattie I am sure. Please if you can send us some canned kitten food- I just updated our wish list